Logomarca da FGV

Repositório FGV de Conferências

Organizing Team

Paper Selection Committee - Coordination

  1. Andre Portela Fernandes de Souza, EESP/FGV
  2. Maria Carolina Leme, EESP/FGV

Selection Applied Macroeconomics

  1. Alexandre B. Cunha, Instituto de Economia/UFRJ, Brazil
  2. Fernanda Nechio, Princeton University
  3. Mauro Rodrigues, Department of Economics, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
  4. Prof Vladimir Kuhl Teles, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brazil

Selection Applied Microeconomics

  1. Luis H.B. Braido
  2. Daniel Domingues dos Santos, Ibmec/RJ
  3. João Manoel Pinho de Mello, PUC-Rio
  4. Peri A. da Silva Jr., University of North Dakota

Selection Econometrics

  1. Marcio Antonio Salvato, IBMEC MG, Brazil
  2. Cristine Pinto, Brazil
  3. Antonio Galvao Jr., University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee

Selection Finances

  1. Antonio Gledson de Carvalho, EAESP-FGV, Brazil
  2. Sr. Paulo Rogerio Matos, CAEN/UFC
  3. Marco Lyrio, Insper - Ibmec São Paulo, Brazil

Selection Economic Theory

  1. Pricila Maziero, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
  2. José Guilherme Lara Resende, UnB
  3. Jaime Orrillo, UCB



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