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Online Submissions

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Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.


Submission Preparation Checklist

  1. Submissions will be blind reviewed by the Paper Selection Committee.
  2. The title page must contain only the following: title of the manuscript, abstract, key words (no more than 5) and JEL codes. Before building the pdf version of the paper, the authors should click on File, Document Properties, and Description, and remove any indications of authorship, institutional affiliations, or e-mail addresses.

  3. Only one paper will be accepted per author, although the same author may be included as co-author in papers submitted by other authors.

  4. Papers should be submitted electronically following the guidelines available at http://www.sbe.org.br/ocs.

  5. Hardcopy submissions and papers submitted to the XXXVII Brazilian Meeting of Economics (ANPEC) will not be accepted.

  6. In order for the papers to be eligible, submissions must follow the guidelines stated above; at least one of the authors must be an SBE member; and the membership fees for 2009 must be up-to-date. For each paper submitted will be a corresponding rate of submission. If any author submitting an article and proof of payment is not registered by the SBE, the article will be out of the submission.


  7. There will be no session discussants.

  8. For additional information, please contact SBE at Praia de Botafogo, 190, 10º andar, sala 1032, 22250-900, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Tel.: (55-21) 2551-4658, Fax: (55-21) 2552-4898, e-mail: sbe@fgv.br; or at http://www.sbe.org.br/




The views and opinions expressed during the conference tables and exhibitions, as well as the ensuing discussions, do not necessarily reflect the institutional position of the Getulio Vargas Foundation.