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OCS@FGV, XV Encontro Brasileiro de Finanças

Tamanho da fonte: 
Is it Worth Investing in Hedge funds? Optimal portfolios with Regime-Switching
Alfonso Valdesogo, Andréas Heinen

Última alteração: 18-05-2015


We analyze the joint effect of non-linearity and time variation in hedge fund returns on the benefit for an investor to include hedge funds into his optimal portfolio. We model time variation with regime-switching and allow for an additional source of non-linearity with the use of copulas. We estimate the multivariate regime-switching copula model of Chollete, Heinen & Valdesogo (2009), with one symmetric Gaussian dependence regime and with a possibly asymmetric canonical vine regime, that allows for tail dependence. We follow Ang & Bekaert (2002a) and compute the gains for an active investor with CRRA utility, who considers different asset classes, from investing in any one of a number of hedge fund strategies. The asset classes we consider are U.S. stocks, a global bond index, and commodities.

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