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Repositório FGV de Conferências

OCS@FGV, Congresso Transformação Digital 2020

Tamanho da fonte: 
Bruno Henrique Sanches

Última alteração: 25-11-2020


Blockchain is an early-stage technology and has the potential to create new bases for our economic and social system. However, there is a significant gap between expectations and market reality. Blockchain needs to create technologies that establish standards and transcend organizational boundaries. To understand these particularities, researchers need to study the diffusion of the blockchain through an institutional perspective.  Management fashion is one of the diffusion theory based on institutional perspective used to explore the socio-cognitive process. It is a transitory collective belief that specific management techniques are at the forefront of management progress. To this end, this research seeks to explore whether the blockchain discourse is fashionable on Twitter and what are the characteristics of its fashion setters. Based on the management fashion theory, this research used Twitter data from six fashion setters community. The tweets obtained are related to #blockchain in twelve months. We performed a descriptive analysis followed by content analysis of the tweets' text. The descriptive analysis involved the use of statistical and data mining techniques to develop and visualize descriptive statistics. Content analysis was performed based on natural language processing techniques and association algorithms. Our findings suggest that there is an upswing fashion discourse about blockchain on Twitter. Has also demonstrated that gurus are the most active users and corroborates that the business schools are laggards among the fashion setters, as suggested by the management fashion theory

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