Published: 2012-03-01

Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development: habermasian views

Isabella Freitas Gouveia de Vasconcelos, Mario Aquino Alves, Yvon Pesqueux


Reverse logistics: how do companies report the disposal of batteries and cell phones ?

Jacques Demajorovic, Melby Karina Zuniga Huertas, Juliana Alves Boueres, Adilson Gonçalves da Silva, Aloisio Sousa Sotano


Adopting LEED certification in lodging facilities: greening the hospitality industry

Mirna de Lima Medeiros, Danielle Fernandes Costa Machado, João Luiz Passador, Cláudia Souza Passador


The effects of the community of origin on the involvement of virtual brand communites

Stefânia Ordovás de Almeida, José Afonso Mazzon, Hugo Fridolino Müller Neto, Utpal Dholakia


“Holding God’s hand”: religious organizations and support to entrepreneurial initiatives

Maurício Custódio Serafim, Ana Cristina Braga Martes, Carlos Henrique Lopez Rodriguez


The role of recycling cooperatives in the reverse channel for post-consumer recyclables

Maria Tereza Saraiva de Souza, Mabel Bastos de Paula, Helma de Souza Pinto
