Craft and commercial dimension in constructing a beer market

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Marlon Dalmoro
Guilherme Fell


Recent studies have shown that market construction is a dynamic process involving multiple actors in hegemonic and alternative positions. To understand the interconnection of these positions, the study aims to analyze how the dynamics of configuration and reconfiguration of a market frame the hegemonic and alternative positions in a multidimensional system. Using an interpretative approach, we examine the Southern Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul state) brewing market to describe the interconnection of craft (alternative) and mass (hegemonic) dimensions. We observe a constant process of overflowing and realignment of tensions and practices that enable the coexistence of different dimensions around a common market configuration. The results allow theorizing about a specific type of connection—covalent—between the multiple market dimensions, in which the practices of actors repel and attract both dimensions constantly, without definitive stabilization around a single dimension.



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DALMORO, M.; FELL, G. Craft and commercial dimension in constructing a beer market. RAE - Revista de Administracao de Empresas , [S. l.], v. 60, n. 1, p. 47–58, 2019. DOI: 10.1590/S0034-759020200106. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 may. 2024.


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