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FGV Conferences, XXII IOHA International Conference - Oral History in a Digital and Audiovisual World

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Smart interview, Technology and solving the challenges in an interview (Part II Practical Usage)
Samir Ketf, Saeideh Mahrami

Last modified: 20-12-2022


Human confront different sweet and bitter events during his life. Talking about past bitter events is difficult in oral history interviews about wars. The interviewers’ trouble is reviewing and reminding all the memories of wars, fluent and without spiritual challenges for the interviewee.


The anxiety caused by reminding the past bitter events is called PTSD and interviewing with the people who suffer from PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) or the people who have bitter memories is not an easy case because they resist reminding memories unconsciously.


In the first part of this project (theoretical part presented in IOHA conference (Singapore-2021), the theoretical background and some details of the new technology ,called Smart Interview, were described. A method in which the interviewer can use mental frequency pattern of the narrator to reduce the effect of bitter memories and put them in a relaxing condition to have more reliable interview.


In this article the basic physical form of the device and some of its different hardware and software are going to be described and shown. The device is being made of some transceivers and also some detectors to sense motions and behaviors of human. The process will be analyzed in a microchip. With the results of the process the interviewer can guide the interview in a better way and the narrator can be relax to continue their narration.


mental frequencies; oral history; interview; smart; PTSD