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When and how pull and push promotion strategies ‘pay off’: shopper experience using social media and mobile applications
Valter Afonso Vieira, Milena Costa, Marcos Inácio Severo de Almeida, Miriam Pires Costa, Ricardo Limongi Coelho

Última alteração: 19-10-2018


Mobile marketing strategy and its convergence with social media plataforms are challenging managers to implement actions using these promotional mechanisms. Extant knowledge about promotion effectiveness via mobile marketing is limited and the resulting synergistic effects among push and pull promotion strategies using mobile and social media platforms have been rarely investigated by researchers. Pull and push strategies usefulness are widely recognized for businesses, but their simultaneous use via Instagram (push) and a firm’s mobile App (pull) had never been studied. We develop a methodological approach which capture time-varying effects of social media and mobile marketing on retail performance, namely revenues, sales operations and profits. The empirical assessment involved the development of a time series experiment and subsequent Vector Autoregressive Model with Exogenous Variables (VARX) of promotion types and marketing response. Main results using a unique experimental-generated dataset of a supermarket unveil that push only lead (Granger-cause) to pull strategies, which in this case assume a mediating role in the relationship between the former and retail performance measures. Hence, pull strategies on mobile App are more effective in explaining revenues, profits, and number of sales operations while push ones on social media must be mainly dedicated to institutional purposes.

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