Digital humanities and the African diaspora: ethical and methodological challenges in designing a database on Mariana’s enslaved population (Eighteenth century)



African diaspora, Digital humanities, Digital history, Database, Teaching history.


This article addresses ethical and methodological challenges underlying the digital approaches to the African diaspora. It takes the process of building a database about the enslaved population that lived in the region of Mariana (Minas Gerais) during the Eighteenth century as a case study. It analyzes the consequences of the insertion of historical information produced in a context marked by the asymmetrical power relations legitimized by slave ideology into digital systems. What are the potentialities and risks of this task in a socially and racially unequal country like Brazil?

Author Biography

Aldair Rodrigues, UNICAMP - Departamento de História

Professor do Departamento de História da UNICAMP e vice-diretor do Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth.


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