The researchers, the publications and the journals of Finance in Brazil: An analysis based on resumes from the Lattes platform

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Marcelo Scherer Perlin
André Portela Santos


This paper analyzes the scientific output of Finance researchers in Brazil. Using a proprietary software to download information directly from the Lattes platform it was possible to verify the profile and the tendencies of research in the area of Finance in the national territory. The main results of the study show that most of the researchers of Finance are relatively young with respect to their career, with PhD finished in between the years of 2005 and 2014, and located in the southeastern part of the country. The scientific output of Brazilian researchers in international journals is small in comparison to the total of publications. The number of published papers has risen exponentially, however the quality of the papers, measured by Qualis, has decreased. An analysis of the productivity of the researchers show that the most productive authors have two common attributes: PhD degree obtained in a foreign institution and the productivity scholarship from CNPQ.

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Long Paper
Author Biographies

Marcelo Scherer Perlin, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Assistant Professor, Business School

André Portela Santos, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Assistant Professor, Economics Department