The General Equilibrium Framework with Default and Collateral


  • Ricardo Luis Chaves Feijó SP - FEA/Ribeirão Preto


General equilibrium, Default, Collateral


This paper presents the evolution of the most recent mathematical models of general equilibrium, starting with the model of contingent commodities, through the sequential model with secutirites, even to the case of equilibrium with default and collateralized securities markets. To this end, we discuss on the main ideas regarding the application of microeconomic theory of general equilibrium to situations involving the exchange and resource allocation under conditions of uncertainty. Then we present the conditions of general equilibrium when financial markets are incomplete. We make a critical evaluation of assumptions for such models. Further, we introduce the discussion of the role of default in market general equilibrium, and finally we discuss the effect of collateral for the general equilibrium. Given a selection of eight important papers, the article examines the assumptions and mathematical behavioral models of each family and examines the main theorems that demonstrate whether or not the existence of general equilibrium in incomplete security markets with default and collateral. Still follows a classification of the assumptions underlying the set of theorems of general equilibrium shown in the literature considered.

Biografia do Autor

Ricardo Luis Chaves Feijó, SP - FEA/Ribeirão Preto

Professor da FEARP/USP há dezessete anos, livre-docente há oito anos, autor de dezenas de artigos publicados nas mais prestigiadas revistas nacionais de economia como PPE, PPP (ambas do IPEA), REP, Revista da SOBER, Estudos Econômicos (IPE-USP) etc. Autor de seis livros de economia, o último deles intitulado “Economia Agrícola e Desenvolvimento Rural”, da LTC. Pesquisador do CNPq, é especialista em Economia Rural e em Economia Matemática.





