Institutionalization of socioenvironmental initiatives of organizations: interfaces between Habermas’ social development theory and the isomorphism of the institutional theory

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Martinho Luis Kelm
Cíntia Lisiane da Silva Renz
Sérgio Luís Allebrandt
Jorge Oneide Sausen


This article establishes a discussion from the premise that institutionalization involves processes by which social values (practices, beliefs, and obligations) take the status of rules of thought and social action. Thus, it aims to point out how a society enables the embodiment of new rationality standards, so that they start interfering with the reality conceptions of their subjects. The study introduces a model for systemic analysis of corporate social responsibility, integrating concepts of the social development rationale, as proposed by Jürgen Habermas, and the processes of isomorphism observed in organizations and derived from the institutional theory. In order to provide a model for theoretical and empirical analysis of the subject, socioenvironmental initiatives are initially justified by their role as a differentiation factor or as establisher of the reputation of the organization and its products and services. Next, a normalization process is observed, when a new minimum performance standard is set for organizations, as well as, why not say it, social maturity, restarting at this point a new search for competitive differentials and social advances. This focus of investigation of companies’ work in the socioenvironmental arena breaks with the naive and proactive perspective that the emergence of these initiatives occurs according to different levels of corporate environment awareness.


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How to Cite
Kelm, M. L., Renz, C. L. da S., Allebrandt, S. L., & Sausen, J. O. (2014). Institutionalization of socioenvironmental initiatives of organizations: interfaces between Habermas’ social development theory and the isomorphism of the institutional theory. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 12(Especial), 401 a 415. Retrieved from
Papers - Philosophy
Author Biographies

Martinho Luis Kelm, PPGDES/UNIJUÍ

Doutor em Engenharia da Produção (PPGEP/UFSC) e Mestre em Administração (PPGA/UFRGS); professor do PPGDES/UNIJUÍ

Cíntia Lisiane da Silva Renz, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul, IFRS - Campus Osório

Mestre em Desenvolvimento (PPGDES/UNIJUÏ); professora do IFRS

Sérgio Luís Allebrandt, PPGDES/UNIJUÍ

Doutor em Desenvolvimento Regional (PPGDR/UNISC) e Mestre em Gestão Empresarial (EBAPE/FGV); professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento (PPGDES/UNIJUÍ).

Jorge Oneide Sausen, PPGDES/UNIJUÍ

Doutor em Engenharia da Produção (PPGEP/UFSC) e Mestre em Administração (PPGA/UFRGS); professor do PPGDES/UNIJUÍ