Actor -Network theory in organizational studies: analysis of scientific production in Brazil

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Adonai José Lacruz
Bruno Luiz Américo
Fagner Carniel



This article analyzes studies published in Brazil that have adopted the theoretical and methodological perspective of actor-network theory (ANT) in organizational studies. Through bibliographic research and bibliometric, sociometric and scientometric mapping, 15 articles were analyzed, all of them published in Brazilian journals considered as A2 in the national Qualis/Capes classification system for quality of academic production (quadrennial 2013-2016), in the field of knowledge ‘Administration, Accounting and Tourism’. In order to conduct the analysis, mapping and content and contingency analysis techniques were applied. The delineator variables were: articles published per year, journal and author; institutional affiliation of authors; most cited works and authors; cooperation between authors and institutions; cross-reference; nature of study (theoretical or empirical); and study approach. The results highlight the low number of articles published in the selected journals, the gap between the first and the second publication, the most cited authors (Latour and Law), and the relationship adviser/advisee in postgraduate programs as an important social element of the network of cooperation between authors. Despite the constant publication in recent years, the research suggests that there is room for growth, both in terms of number of articles and of networks of cooperation in subjects so far not studied in Brazil, specifically in empirical studies. In conclusion, it is argued that the analyzed publications contributed to the displacement of the dominant models of explaining organizations and to emphasize the role that non-human agents play in the action performed in the network.



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How to Cite
Lacruz, A. J., Américo, B. L., & Carniel, F. (2017). Actor -Network theory in organizational studies: analysis of scientific production in Brazil. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 15(3), 574–598. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Adonai José Lacruz, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - UFES

Administrador. Mestre em Economia (UCAM-RJ). Doutorando em Administração (UFES). Bolsista CAPES/DS. Autor dos livros Gestão de projetos no terceiro setor (Elsevier) e Plano de negócios (Qualitymark). Diretor executivo da ONG ambiental Instituto Terra.

Bruno Luiz Américo, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - UFES

Administrador. Mestre em Administração. Doutorando em Administração (UFES). Bolsista CAPES/DS.

Fagner Carniel, Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM

Graduado em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (2005), mestre em Sociologia pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (2007) e doutor em Sociologia Política pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2013). Atualmente sou professor adjunto do Departamento de Ciências Sociais na Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM).