The epistemology of power in the classic/ rationalist management

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Edgar Varela Barrios
Ernesto Jose Piedrahita


This article analyzes the epistemological fundamentals of power in classical-rationalistic management, describing them as approaches based on its main authors: Barnard, Simon, Drucker, Crozier and Mintzberg. It also highlights the rationality and the values that support this management, especially, taking into account that reflections about power related to organizational objectives have been little elaborated by the North American management theorists. The article presents a theoretical review of the philosophical doctrine whose principal scholar is Vilfredo Pareto. Analysis of instrumental rationality as an epistemological basis for strategic management shows how the interactions between the human and non-human are established through the presence of art and science, including in its later stage social cybernetics in terms of social oscillation and organizational balance/imbalance. In this way, managerial narrative assumes human rationality forms and builds systems of transversal knowledge in a technical instrumental logic. More than questioning the acute asymmetries of organizational power, management has been focused on guiding and training managers, enterprises and organizations by using technologies of domination, under emblems of functional authority supported by communicational devices, and more recently, in inter and trans-organizational networks. Therein lies its strength and legitimacy, more than the foundation of an explicit political frame.


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How to Cite
Barrios, E. V., & Piedrahita, E. J. (2017). The epistemology of power in the classic/ rationalist management. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 15(4), 751–767. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Edgar Varela Barrios

Ph. D. en Administración, opción Management de la HEC – Universidad de Montreal.  Magister en Historia Andina y Lic. en Filosofía – Humanidades de  la Universidad del Valle (Cali- Colombia). Se desempeña como profesor titular de la Universidad del Valle y Director del Instituto de Prospectiva, innovación y gestión del conocimiento,  en la misma universidad. También dirige el Grupo de Investigación “Gestión y Políticas Públicas”,  de la Universidad del Valle, siendo investigador activo en temas de políticas públicas y estudios organizacionales. Desde hace varios años es par evaluador de Colciencias en estas áreas. Contactos

Ernesto Jose Piedrahita, Instituto de Prospectiva, Innovación y Gestión del Conocimiento. Universidad del Valle

Trabajo desde hace tres años en el Instituto de Prospectiva como consultor. Soy administrador de empresas, comunicador social, magister en adminitración de empresas y especialista en políticas públicas. Ejerzo la docencia, la investigación y el periodismo