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Repositório FGV de Conferências

FGV Conferences, 33º Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society

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Survival in Incomplete Markets and Without Short Sales: Numerical Examples.
Rodrigo Jardim Raad

Last modified: 27-09-2011


This paper provides numerical examples for stochastic models of general equilibrium with heterogeneous agents, incomplete markets and exogenous uncertainty. We examine the survival of agents with preferences that do not satisfy the rationality assumptions of classical models in an equilibrium in which at least one agent has rational expectations. The examples consider agents with preferences characterized by ambiguity aversion, noise trades, agents with rational expectations and heterogeneous income with aggregate risk, prospect theory and behavioral finance. We develop an alternative method to compute the sequential equilibrium of economies with heterogeneous agents by using tools similar to that found in Judd (1998) which computes solutions of functional equations by using an iteration algorithm.


Survival, Recursive Equilibrium, Ambiguity aversion, Behavior, Noise Traders

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