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FGV Conferences, 33º Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society

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Dynamics of Financial Returns Densities: A Functional Approach Applied to the Bovespa Intraday Index
Eduardo de Oliveira Horta, Flávio Augusto Ziegelmann

Last modified: 27-09-2011


In this paper, we follow the methodology developed in Bathia et al. (2010) to model the dynamics of the probability density functions (pdf's) of IBOVESPA intraday returns over business days. As a byproduct, we obtain filtered estimates of these intraday return pdf's, in a sense that whatever noise that may occur in previously estimating non-parametrically the pdf's is removed. Furthermore, we find that the pdf's dynamic behavior reduces to a ${R}^{2}$-valued process, and that this process is well represented by a VAR(1) model. Its effect on the pdf's is shown to be a dispersion-symmetry deforming. Moreover, by taking into account the dynamics of the curve process, we generate one-step-ahead forecasts of upcoming pdf's.


Autocovariance. Dimension reduction. Functional time series. High frequency financial data. Karhunen-Loève expansion.

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