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Repositório FGV de Conferências

Browse Title Index

Scheduled Conference Title
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "Is Parental Love Colorblind? Allocation of Resources within Mixed Families" Abstract
Marcos A Rangel
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "Lobbying and information transmission in customs unions" Abstract
Rafael Costa Lima, Humberto Moreira, Thierry Verdier
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "Maid's Services as a Substitute Factor in Home-Production." Abstract
Ana Claudia Polato e Fava, Mary Arends-Kuenning
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "Motivating Politicians: The Impacts of Monetary Incentives on Quality and Performance" Abstract
Claudio Ferraz, Frederico Finan
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "Multivariate Techniques for Analysis of Investment Decisions: A Bayesian Approach" Abstract
Camila Fernanda Bassetto, Aquiles Elie Guimarães Kalatzis
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "O Comportamento Estratégico dos Lances Ganhadores nos Leilões de Linhas de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica no Brasil" Abstract
Amanda Pimenta Carlos
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "On the Market Institutions and Incentives to Sovereign Default" Abstract
Paulo Augusto Britto
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society Optimal Monetary and Audit Policy with Imperfect Taxation Abstract
Marcelo Arbex, Nurlan Turdaliev
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "Pivotal Players in Global and Regional Environmental Protocols: The Case of Canada" Abstract
Emilson Caputo Delfino Silva, Xie Zhu
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "Quantile Regression with Sample Selection: Estimating Married Women´s Return of Education and Racial Wage Differential in Brazil" Abstract
Danilo Coelho, Fabio Soares, Robert Veszteg
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "Quantity-before-Price Auction: Evaluating the Performance of the Brazilian Existing Energy Market" Abstract
Leonardo Rezende, Rodrigo Moita
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "Real Interest Rates, Budget Deficits, and the Public Debt in Emerging Markets" Abstract
Marcelo de Albuquerque e Mello, Rafael Pereira Scherre
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "Regulation of Pharmaceuticals After Generic Entry" Abstract
Rafael Pinho Senra de Morais
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "Rigidez Informacional, Racionalidade Limitada e Comportamento Adaptativo: Um Modelo Macroevolucionário de Ajustamento Nominal" Abstract
Gilberto Tadeu Lima, Jaylson Jair da Silveira
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "State Space Model for Coincident and Leading Indexes of Economic Activity" Abstract
Rafael Martins de Souza, João Victor Issler
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "Taylor Principle and Inflation Stability in Emerging Market Countries" Abstract
Vladimir Kuhl Teles, Marta Zaidan
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "Testing Consumption-based Asset Pricing Models with Factor Model Analysis" Abstract
João Victor Issler, Carlos Enrique Carrasco Gutierrez
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "The Effect of Social Security, Demography and Technology on Retirement" Abstract
Marcelo Rodrigues Santos, Pedro Cavalcanti Ferreira
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "The Effects of Accountability on Higher Education" Abstract
Marcelo Rezende
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society The Effects of Decentralization on Schooling: Evidence From the Sao Paulo State's Education Reform Abstract
Ricardo Madeira
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "The Effects of Monetary Policy in Brazil: results from agnostic identification" Abstract
Mário Jorge Cardoso de Mendonça, Luis Alberto Toscano Medrano, Adolfo Sachsida
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "The Expectation Hypothesis of Interest Rates and Network Theory: The case of Brazil" Abstract
Daniel O. Cajueiro, Benjamin M. Tabak, Thiago R. Serra
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "The Heterogeneous Impact of CCT Programmes on Child Labor: the case of Tekoporã in Paraguay" Abstract
Guilherme Issamu Hirata, Rafael Perez Ribas, Fabio Veras Soares
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "The Settlement of the Midwest and the Industrialization of the Northeast" Abstract
Arilton Teixeira, Berthold Herrendorf, James Schmitz
XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society "The Stationarity of Consumption–Income Ratios: Evidence from South American Countries" Abstract
Douglas de Souza Franchini, Fábio Augusto Reis Gomes
26 - 50 of 90 Items << < 1 2 3 4 > >> 

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