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Presentations and Authors

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Macroeconomia Aplicada

“On the Trade Balance Effects of Free Trade Agreements between the EU-15 and the CEEC-4 Countries” PDF
Christophe Rault, Robert Sova, Anamaria Sova, Guglielmo Maria Caporale
"The Settlement of the Midwest and the Industrialization of the Northeast" PDF
Arilton Teixeira, Berthold Herrendorf, James Schmitz
"The Effect of Social Security, Demography and Technology on Retirement" PDF
Marcelo Rodrigues Santos, Pedro Cavalcanti Ferreira
"Real Interest Rates, Budget Deficits, and the Public Debt in Emerging Markets" PDF
Marcelo de Albuquerque e Mello, Rafael Pereira Scherre
"The Effects of Monetary Policy in Brazil: results from agnostic identification" PDF
Mário Jorge Cardoso de Mendonça, Luis Alberto Toscano Medrano, Adolfo Sachsida
“Impactos de Políticas de Desoneração do Setor Produtivo: Uma Avaliação A Partir de Um Modelo de Gerações Superpostas” PDF
Napoleão Luiz Costa da Silva, Marco Antônio F de Holanda Cavalcanti

Microeconomia Aplicada

"Pivotal Players in Global and Regional Environmental Protocols: The Case of Canada" PDF
Emilson Caputo Delfino Silva, Xie Zhu
“Enfranchisement of the Poor and Public Expenditures: Results from a Quasi-Natural Experiment” PDF
Adalberto de Lima, Carlos Eduardo Soares Gonçalves
"Quantile Regression with Sample Selection: Estimating Married Women´s Return of Education and Racial Wage Differential in Brazil" PDF
Danilo Coelho, Fabio Soares, Robert Veszteg
"Inequality and Cost of Electoral Campaigns in Latin America" PDF
Mauricio Soares Bugarin, Adriana Portugal, Sérgio Sakurai
"The Heterogeneous Impact of CCT Programmes on Child Labor: the case of Tekoporã in Paraguay" PDF
Guilherme Issamu Hirata, Rafael Perez Ribas, Fabio Veras Soares


"Dependência e Cálculo do Valor em Risco (VaR) entre Índices de Mercados Financeiros Usando Cópulas Condicionais Tempo-Variantes" PDF
Osvaldo Candido Silva Filho, Flávio Augusto Ziegelmann
"The Expectation Hypothesis of Interest Rates and Network Theory: The case of Brazil" PDF
Daniel O. Cajueiro, Benjamin M. Tabak, Thiago R. Serra

Teoria Econômica

“Investment in Human Capital in the Development of Clusters: A Theoretical Approach” PDF
Carlos Eduardo Lobo e Silva, Geoffrey John Dennis Hewings
“The Locational Implications of Management and Production Fragmentation” PDF
Geoffrey John Dennis Hewings, Carlos Eduardo Lobo e Silva

Praia de Botafogo, 190, 10º Andar, Sala 1032
CEP 22253-900, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
Tel.: (55) (21) 2551-4658, Fax: (55) (21) 2552-4898