Macroeconomia Aplicada
“On the Trade Balance Effects of Free Trade Agreements between the EU-15 and the CEEC-4 Countries” |
Christophe Rault, Robert Sova, Anamaria Sova, Guglielmo Maria Caporale |
"The Settlement of the Midwest and the Industrialization of the Northeast" |
Arilton Teixeira, Berthold Herrendorf, James Schmitz |
"Real Interest Rates, Budget Deficits, and the Public Debt in Emerging Markets" |
Marcelo de Albuquerque e Mello, Rafael Pereira Scherre |
"The Effects of Monetary Policy in Brazil: results from agnostic identification" |
Mário Jorge Cardoso de Mendonça, Luis Alberto Toscano Medrano, Adolfo Sachsida |
“Impactos de Políticas de Desoneração do Setor Produtivo: Uma Avaliação A Partir de Um Modelo de Gerações Superpostas” |
Napoleão Luiz Costa da Silva, Marco Antônio F de Holanda Cavalcanti |
Microeconomia Aplicada
"Pivotal Players in Global and Regional Environmental Protocols: The Case of Canada" |
Emilson Caputo Delfino Silva, Xie Zhu |
“Enfranchisement of the Poor and Public Expenditures: Results from a Quasi-Natural Experiment” |
Adalberto de Lima, Carlos Eduardo Soares Gonçalves |
"Quantile Regression with Sample Selection: Estimating Married Women´s Return of Education and Racial Wage Differential in Brazil" |
Danilo Coelho, Fabio Soares, Robert Veszteg |
"Inequality and Cost of Electoral Campaigns in Latin America" |
Mauricio Soares Bugarin, Adriana Portugal, Sérgio Sakurai |
"The Heterogeneous Impact of CCT Programmes on Child Labor: the case of Tekoporã in Paraguay" |
Guilherme Issamu Hirata, Rafael Perez Ribas, Fabio Veras Soares |
"The Expectation Hypothesis of Interest Rates and Network Theory: The case of Brazil" |
Daniel O. Cajueiro, Benjamin M. Tabak, Thiago R. Serra |
Teoria Econômica
Praia de Botafogo, 190, 10º Andar, Sala 1032
CEP 22253-900, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
Tel.: (55) (21) 2551-4658, Fax: (55) (21) 2552-4898