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Presentations and Authors

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Macroeconomia Aplicada

"The Settlement of the Midwest and the Industrialization of the Northeast" PDF
Arilton Teixeira, Berthold Herrendorf, James Schmitz

Microeconomia Aplicada

"An Axiomatic Approach to the Measurement of Corruption: Theory and Applications" PDF
Andrew Warren Horowitz
"The Heterogeneous Impact of CCT Programmes on Child Labor: the case of Tekoporã in Paraguay" PDF
Guilherme Issamu Hirata, Rafael Perez Ribas, Fabio Veras Soares


"Inferência Indireta em Modelos Fracionários de Taxas de Juros de Curto Prazo" PDF
Márcio Poletti Laurini, Luiz Koodi Hotta

Teoria Econômica

“Investment in Human Capital in the Development of Clusters: A Theoretical Approach” PDF
Carlos Eduardo Lobo e Silva, Geoffrey John Dennis Hewings
“The Locational Implications of Management and Production Fragmentation” PDF
Geoffrey John Dennis Hewings, Carlos Eduardo Lobo e Silva

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CEP 22253-900, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
Tel.: (55) (21) 2551-4658, Fax: (55) (21) 2552-4898