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Presentations and Authors

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Macroeconomia Aplicada

"3-Step Analysis of Public Finances Sustainability: the Case of the European Union" PDF
“On the Trade Balance Effects of Free Trade Agreements between the EU-15 and the CEEC-4 Countries” PDF
Christophe Rault, Robert Sova, Anamaria Sova, Guglielmo Maria Caporale
"Intermediation Costs and Welfare" PDF
Antonio A Antunes, Tiago V Cavalcanti, Anne P Villamil
“Identifying bank lending reaction to monetary policy through data frequency” PDF
Christiano Arrigoni Coelho, João Manoel Pinho de Mello, Márcio Gomes Pinto Garcia
"Forecasting the Yield Curve for Brazil" PDF
José Angelo Divino, Benjamin Miranda Tabak, Daniel Oliveira Cajueiro
"Evaluating the Fiscal Policy Stance in Brazil" PDF
Luis Alberto Toscano Medrano, Mário Jorge Cardoso de Mendonça
"What Can Taylor Rules Say About Monetary Policy in Latin America?" PDF
Marcelo L. Moura, Alexandre de Carvalho
"The Effects of Monetary Policy in Brazil: results from agnostic identification" PDF
Mário Jorge Cardoso de Mendonça, Luis Alberto Toscano Medrano, Adolfo Sachsida
“Desinflação Ótima na Presença de Inércia Inflacionária, Formação de Hábito e Fricções Monetárias” PDF
Marco A.F.H. Cavalcanti,
“Impactos de Políticas de Desoneração do Setor Produtivo: Uma Avaliação A Partir de Um Modelo de Gerações Superpostas” PDF
Napoleão Luiz Costa da Silva, Marco Antônio F de Holanda Cavalcanti
"Testing Consumption-based Asset Pricing Models with Factor Model Analysis" PDF
João Victor Issler, Carlos Enrique Carrasco Gutierrez

Microeconomia Aplicada

"I Would Walk 500 Miles (if it paid)" PDF
Romulo A Chumacero, Daniel Gómez, Ricardo Paredes
"Climate Change, Agricultural Productivity and Poverty" PDF
Flávia Chein, Juliano Assunção
“Psychic Costs of Immigration and Adaptation to the Host Country” PDF
Ricardo Freguglia, Raphael Corbi
"Quantile Regression with Sample Selection: Estimating Married Women´s Return of Education and Racial Wage Differential in Brazil" PDF
Danilo Coelho, Fabio Soares, Robert Veszteg
"O Comportamento Estratégico dos Lances Ganhadores nos Leilões de Linhas de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica no Brasil" PDF
Amanda Pimenta Carlos


"Transformed Symmetric Models" PDF
Gauss Moutinho Cordeiro, Marinho G. Andrade
"The Expectation Hypothesis of Interest Rates and Network Theory: The case of Brazil" PDF
Daniel O. Cajueiro, Benjamin M. Tabak, Thiago R. Serra


“Evaluating Asset Pricing Models in a Fama-French Framework” PDF
Carlos Enrique Carrasco Gutierrez, Wagner Piazza Gaglianone
“Predictability of Equity Models” PDF
Pedro Valls, Rodrigo Chicaroli

Teoria Econômica

"Are More Political Parties Better than Fewer?" PDF
Alexandre B. Cunha, Emanuel Ornelas
"Lobbying and information transmission in customs unions" PDF
Rafael Costa Lima, Humberto Moreira, Thierry Verdier
"Choquet Integral with Contamination" PDF
Paulo C. Coimbra

Praia de Botafogo, 190, 10º Andar, Sala 1032
CEP 22253-900, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
Tel.: (55) (21) 2551-4658, Fax: (55) (21) 2552-4898