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XXX Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society

Bahia Othon Palace Hotel

10 de December de 2008 – 12 de December de 2008

The Brazilian Society of Econometrics (SBE) is a non-profit civil entity whose members include professors, researchers, graduate students and other professionals engaged in the analysis and application of quantitative methods in economics and finance. SBE has 1,100 members and it is the major association of economists in Brazil. Among SBE members there are the most renowned and influential economists of Brazil. Since its establishment in 1979, SBE has made every endeavor to further develop the economic science in Brazil. In addition to the Brazilian Meeting of Econometrics, SBE also organizes regional meetings, offers training courses to graduate students and economics professors, and is responsible for the publication of the Brazilian Review of Econometrics.

This year, SBE will be holding the XXX Brazilian Meeting of Econometrics, from December 10 to 12, in Salvador, Bahia. This event is designed mainly for those who use quantitative methods in economics, but it is open for the academic and scientific public at large, and also for technicians and professionals in this field. The traditional structure of the event is going to be maintained, including Ordinary Sessions for the presentation of scientific papers; Lectures and Special Sessions with international guests, in addition to one short course. These two short courses have become a routine feature of the annual meetings promoted by SBE, each year covering different topics, and contributing towards recent improvements in economic research.

Conference Information